Charlotte Castel
Coming from a family of wine growers, Charlotte has as passion for eco-responsible agriculture and organic food. In 2019, she launches the Bocerno project.
After acquiring an old farm and a walnut grove in Plazac, she decided to modernize this regional jewel while respecting the heritage of the " Gold of Périgord ".
After acquiring an old farm and a walnut grove in Plazac, she decided to modernize this regional jewel while respecting the heritage of the " Gold of Périgord ".
To create oils of great finesse, focused on the freshness of the nut and not on the traditional toasted side, in order to give the consumer the sensation of having a nut in the mouth without biting into a kernel.
The bet is successful, Bocerno walnut oil is daily used by many starred chefs and gastronomic tables, whor perfume their plates with Franquette walnut oil.
The bet is successful, Bocerno walnut oil is daily used by many starred chefs and gastronomic tables, whor perfume their plates with Franquette walnut oil.