Pastis Flambé Cuttlefish

Pastis Flambé Cuttlefish
35 mins 4 guests moderate

About This Recipe

A super-simple but delicious recipe! This flambé cuttlefish will add a touch of freshness to all your summer meals.


At Oliviers&Co
Moulin Saint-Pierre Olive Oil
Honey & Ginger Specialty Vinegar
Espelette Pepper

At the market
1 tbsp Pastis
2 cuttlefish whites
2 garlic cloves
4 cherry tomatoes bunches


Rinse the cuttlefish whites in clean water and dry. Using a knife, score the flesh. Cut into 1.18 inches squares.

Crush the garlic and mix with 2 tbsp of honey & ginger vinegar, 1 tbsp of Espelette pepper and 3 tbsp of olive oil. Pour the marinade over the cuttlefish whites. Cover and refrigerate for at least 1 hour.

Wash and dry the tomatoes. Cook over high heat for 10 minutes in a frying pan with 2 tbsp of olive oil. Turn halfway through cooking. Remove from heat and set aside. Keep the pan and the tomato cooking juices.

Drain the cuttlefish whites, reserving the marinade. In the same pan used for the tomatoes, fry the whites over high heat for 1 minute on each side. The frying time should be very short to prevent the cuttlefish from becoming rubbery.

Increase the heat to maximum. Once the pan is very hot, pour in the pastis and flambé.

Set the cuttlefish whites aside, keeping them warm. Add the remaining marinade to the pan and reduce for 2-3 minutes. Return the cuttlefish and tomatoes to the pan and heat for a few seconds.
Serve immediately.